Phpsandbox V4.0!

Phpsandbox V4.0!

Happy to annouce the release of PHPSandbox 4.0! PHPSandbox is an online coding environment for PHP. The team started out with the goal to make online coding for PHP simplified with complete access to all the PHP community has to offer and so far amazing features have been added to the platfrom including

  • Support for composer packages

  • Console for non-interactive notebooks

  • A comprehensive file system

  • Github export and import for projects and much more!

  • Support laravel and reactPHP.

The new release pushes the boundary even further. Here are some changes to look out for

  • Support for slim, symfony and lumen notebooks


  • Custom public path can now be set for standard notebooks allowing users to set the server's default directory when previewing the notebook.
  • More ways to customize your embedded notebooks The new release allows users to customize how their embedded notebooks appears and how users can interact with it


  • Improved Design


  • Your preview URLs created for notebooks with previews won’t end up with a 404 when the container stops. We now start the container when the URL is being accessed and the container has stopped.


  • More authentication options Users can now login using google, facebook or username/password to authenticate themselves on PHPSandbox. This is in addition with the already exisiting github option.


We also, now have a public repository where you can raise issues encountered while using PHPSandbox. Click here to raise an issue

You can read the complete release note here